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Our Story

In 2016, Krysti Wright, the founder of Stitching Hearts Worldwide wanted to find a way to make her quilting business more charitable. She reached out to the quilting community around her and quickly found needs to be filled through the Launfal Foundation, Lifting Hands International, The United Way, and other humanitarian organizations.  She contacted her friends and posted to recruit volunteers to help sew, envelope, tie, and bind quilts.  It quickly became apparent that there were many people who wanted to serve, but just didn't know where to start.


Krysti began organizing service events that provide supplies to make items that are desperately needed by the charities she works with. To this date, Stitching Hearts Worldwide has helped with shipments sent internationally to Somalia, Lebanon, Jordan, Bangladesh, and Guatemala. Stitching Hearts Worldwide has also sent humanitarian supplies to Paradise CA, Arizona, and locally to multiple locations in Utah Valley.


Stitching Hearts Worldwide applied for and was designated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity in 2019.


Stitching Hearts Worldwide continues to provide service events today. We are excited about the growth and possibility of service we have found to help those around the world.

We Need Your Support Today!

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